Announcing the 2019 NEPC Contest Judges!


NEPC Contest Judges 2019


SAMUEL WASHINGTON ALLEN PRIZE for a long poem or poem sequence

Robert Pinsky, poet, essayist, translator, teacher, and three-term U.S. Poet Laureate, was a recipient of the Golden Rose from the New England Poetry Club.

E. E. CUMMINGS PRIZE  for a compelling, lyrical, or experimental poem under 21 lines

Nicole Terez Dutton, author of the collection, If One Of Us Should Fall, served as Poet Laureate of Somerville, Massachusetts.

AMY LOWELL PRIZE  for an outstanding poem of any length or style by a poet with strong ties to New England

Martha Collins, award-winning poet and editor of FIELD, is the author of numerous collections, most recently Night Unto Night.

DER-HOVANESSIAN PRIZE for a translation from any language

Alan Smith Soto, poet, translator, and professor of Spanish literature at Boston University, is the author of Libro del lago (Pond poems) and other works.

JEAN PEDRICK CHAPBOOK PRIZE for a chapbook of poems published in the last two years

Naila Moreira, poet, journalist, naturalist, and lecturer at Smith College, was a co-winner of the 2018 Pedrick Prize for her chapbook, Water Street.

SHEILA MARGARET MOTTON BOOK PRIZE for a book of poems published in the last two years

This prize will be judged by the NEPC Board.