Poet in the House with Kevin Gallagher

There are a growing number of poetry books ‘set’ in another time, and are often referred to as ‘docupoetics.’ There are many varieties of docupoetics that can be traced to ancient times. Famous 20th century books that are now being called antecedents of the current wave of docupoetics include Muriel Rukeyser’s The Book of the Dead, Paterson by William Carlos Williams, Testimony by Charles Reznikoff, Octavio Paz’s Sunstone, and many others.  In this century two classics are Kevin Young’s Ardency and Whereas by Layli Long Soldier.  

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New Poetry & Open Mic, November 14, 3 pm, with Susan Eisenberg, Julie Danho, Beth Kress

Please register in advance. Confirmation email will give info for joining reading:
https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZMrc…Featured readers followed by Q & A and an
Open mic sign-up in Zoom chat at beginning of event (limit 1 page/1 poem).

Susan Eisenberg is a poet, visual artist, and oral historian who works within and across genres. Stanley’s Girl (Cornell)—a Mass Book Award Must Read!—is her fifth poetry book. She is a Resident Artist/Scholar at the Brandeis Women’s Studies Research Center, where she directs the On Equal Terms Project. 

Julie Danho’s poetry collection, Those Who Keep Arriving, won the 2018 Gerald Cable Book Award from Silverfish Review Press. Her chapbook, Six Portraits, received the 2013 Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Award, and her poems have appeared in Pleiades, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Writer’s Almanac, Poetry Daily, and Verse Daily.

Beth Kress began writing poetry after careers in teaching and counseling. Her inspirations include the natural world, storytelling, and connections of all kinds. Her work has been published in Snowy Egret, Spotlight, Avalon Literary Review, Dreamers, and recently won The Willow Review Prize. Taking Notes was published in 2020.