NEPC Fall Poetry Fest 2021! (on YouTube)

What a fantastic reading! Kudos to all who read and thanks to our emcees who graciously hosted the event! We are also grateful to Wendy Drexler and Jennifer Markell for helping to plan and organize this major event.

The recording of this event is now on our YouTube channel–check it out!

The links to the poets’ websites and purchasing information for their books are below.


1. Denise Provost has published in such journals as the Bagel Bards anthologies, Ibbetson Street, Muddy River Poetry Review, qarrtsiluni, Quadrille, Poetry Porch’s Sonnet Scroll, Sanctuary, and Light Quarterly. She received the New England Poetry Club’s Samuel Washington Allen award in 2021, and the Best Love Sonnet award from the Maria C. Faust Sonnet Competition in 2012. Her chapbook Curious Peach was published by Ibbetson Street Press in 2019, and her collection City of Stories is forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press. 

Curious Peach can be ordered through: 

2. Lillo Way’s poetry collection, Lend Me Your Wings, was released July 2021 by Shanti Arts Publishing. Her chapbook, “Dubious Moon,” won the Hudson Valley Writers Center’s Slapering Hol Chapbook Contest. Her poems have won the E.E. Cummings Award and a Florida Review Editors’ Prize. Her writing has appeared in Poet Lore, New Letters, RHINOTampa Review, Louisville Review, Poetry East, and many anthologies.

Hyperlinks for ordering Lend Me Your Wings

Shanti Arts PublicationsAmazonBarnes and Noble

3. Dianne M. Tarpy is the author of two books, the first, From the Heart, and her recently released, second in the series, entitled A New Day –  words of inspiration and hope to soothe the soul.  To purchase her books, please visit her website at

4. Originally from Detroit, Nicole M. Young is a performance poet, playwright, and educator.  She serves as producer and host of the web series, Black Writers Read. Nicole’s self-produced spoken word album, In/Put: Live from the Valley, was released in 2019. She has performed her poetry in over 25 venues across the country.

How to Purchase a Copy of In/Put:  Live from the Valley

5. Dianalee Velie is the Poet Laureate of Newbury, NH. She is the author of six books of poetry. Italian Lesson, her latest collection, can be purchased from the publisher,, amazon, or ordered from your favorite bookstore. She is a member of the National League of American Pen Women, the New England Poetry Club, the International Woman Writers Guild, the New Hampshire Poetry Society, and founder of the John Hay Poetry Society.


1. Christine Tierney has an MFA, a BA, a brand spanking new deodorant without aluminum, and a new collection of poetry titled, chicken+lowercase=fleur. Her poetry and flash fiction has been nominated for awards, and published in fab places. To purchase her book, go to  

2. Scudder Parker grew up on a family farm in North Danville, VT.  His first volume of poetry Safe as Lightning was released in June, 2020, by Rootstock Publishing, and was awarded the Best Poetry Book of 2020 by the Independent Publishers of New England (IPNE). It was also featured in Kirkus Review “Best Books of 2020.” He’s been a Protestant minister, Vermont State Senator, and energy policy expert.

Safe as Lightning is available through local bookstores or directly from Amazon:

3. Paul Nemser’s new book, A Thousand Curves (2021), won the Editor’s Choice Award from Red Mountain Press. Taurus (2013) won the New American Poetry Prize. Tales of the Tetragrammaton (Mayapple Press 2014) is a chapbook of prose poetry.  Nemser’s poems appear widely in magazines.  He lives with his wife Rebecca in Cambridge, MA, and Harborside, ME. 

A Thousand Curves can be purchased through Red Mountain Press at

4. Shanta Lee Gander 
Shanta Lee Gander
 is a multidisciplinary artist and writer who explores a range of genres with her work appearing in many publications. Shanta Lee is the 2020 recipient of the Arthur Williams Award for Meritorious Service to the Arts and 2020 and named as Diode Editions full-length book contest winner for her debut poetry compilation,GHETTOCLAUSTROPHOBIA: Dreamin of Mama While Trying to Speak Woman in Woke Tongues which has received an honorable mention for the Sheila Margaret Motton prize. To see her visual art or read more of her work, visit:

Purchase information:

5. Alexis Ask is a student poet, artist, and dancer from the Boston area. She has big dreams for the future.


1. Magdalena Gómez is a 2021 Poet Laureate Fellow of the Academy of American Poets with funds from the Mellon Foundation. Ms. Gómez is also a national Keynote Speaker. You can reach her at Her poetry collection “Shameless Woman” can be purchased through

2. Poet Michael Favala Goldman (b.1966) is also the translator of seventeen books of Danish literature, including The Copenhagen Trilogy. His poetry collections are: Who has time for this?, Slow Phoenix and Small Sovereign (forthcoming)He has been running bi-monthly poetry critique groups from Northampton, MA since 2018. 


3. Lisa DeSiro is both a writer and a musician. Her poems have been published in several  journals and anthologies, an online chapbook, and two printed collections. She is founder/host of the Solidarity Salon, a performance series featuring creative artists of many genres. Read more about her at

4. In April 2021, Apprentice House Press published Virginia Crawford’s questions for water. Previously Touch appeared from Finishing Line Press. A teaching artist with the Maryland State Arts Council, she earned degrees in Creative Writing from Emerson College, Boston, and The University of St. Andrews, Scotland. She lives and writes in Baltimore, Maryland.

5. Gloria Monaghan is a Professor of Humanities at Wentworth University. She has published five books of poetry: Flawed (Finishing Line Press),Torero (Nixes Mate), The Garden (Flutter Press), False Spring (Adelaide), and Hydrangea (Kelsay Books). Her poems have appeared in Alexandria Quarterly, 2River, Adelaide, Aurorean, Chiron, Nixes-Mate, Mom Egg Review, and Lily Poetry Review, among others. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Her book False Spring was nominated for the Griffin Prize.


Join us for the Golden Rose reading with this year’s recipient Rhina P. Espaillat!

Register in advance here:

This year’s annual Golden Rose Award will be presented to Rhina P. Espaillat. Espaillat has published twelve full-length books, four chapbooks and a monograph on translation.

Espaillat is noted for her English translations of Saint John of the Cross, as well as her book of Spanish translations of Robert Frost, Algo hay que no es amigo de los muros/Something There Is that Doesn’t Love a Wall, and her bilingual collection of Richard Wilbur translations, Oscura fruta/Dark Berries.Her work, which comprises poetry, essays and short stories in both English and her native Spanish, and translations from and into both languages, appears in numerous journals, anthologies and websites. She has received many national and international awards.

A founding member of the Melopoeia trio, Espaillat performs with poet Alfred Nicol and guitarist John Tavano, as well as with the quintet known as The Diminished Prophets.

2021 NEPC Contest Results!

Congratulations to the poets whose poems were selected and many thanks to the judges who so generously volunteered their time and attention as they made their selections!

Join us on September 26, 3pm, for a reading of the prize-winning poems!

Join us for poetry at the Longfellow House Sunday, July 11, 3 pm!

Portrait of Alondra Bobadilla (left) wearing a coral colored shirt and a black and white portrait of Porsha Olayiwola (right) in a black shirt and light colored jacket
Photo credit: (right) Carlie Febo

July 11 Porsha Olayiwola & Alondra Bobadilla

Porsha Olayiwola is a writer, performer, educator and curator who uses afro-futurism and surrealism to examine historical and current issues in the Black, woman, and queer diasporas. She is an Individual World Poetry Slam Champion and the author of i shimmer sometimes, too forthcoming with Button Poetry. She is the current poet laureate for the city of Boston.

Alondra Bobadilla‘s poetry demonstrates how creative expression can be a powerful tool for youth to examine feelings around issues, find their voice, and speak up about the changes they want to see for their future. She was named Boston’s first-ever Youth Poet Laureate in January 2020.

Register today!

Each reading takes place at 3:00 PM. Events are free and open to all, but require advance registrationPlease click here to register for one or more readings.

Mark your calendars! Brockton Public Library Poetry Series Everyone Has a Voice Saturday, July 17, 2021 2:00 pm LIVE AND IN PERSON!

Mark your calendars! This will be GOOD!
Brockton Public Library Poetry Series

Everyone Has a Voice

Saturday, July 17, 2021 2:00 pm


East Branch Library Lawn

54 Kingman Street, Brockton MA

With featured poets Jean Dany Joachim and Leonardo Nin, student poet Ayanna Blake, and an Open Mic

New Poetry & Open Mic featuring Kathleen Aponick, Jeffrey Harrison, Ed Meek, May 9 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

New Poetry & Open Mic

Kathleen Aponick

Jeffrey Harrison

Ed Meek

Members will receive the zoom link information in a newsletter; please email if you are not a member.

May 9, 2021 New Poetry & Open Mic readers

Kathleen Aponick, a native of Cambridge, is a former teacher and textbook editor. Her poems have appeared in such publications as Poetry East, Notre Dame Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Hollins Critic, and Paterson Literary Review. Her poetry collections include two chapbooks: Near the River’s Edge and The Port, as well as two full-length collections: Bright Realm, published by Turning Point Press in 2013 and a finalist in the New Rivers Poetry Prize at Minnesota State University, and The Descendant’s Notebook, published in 2020 by Kelsay Press. She lives with her husband, Tony, in Andover, Massachusetts.

Purchasing information: The best way to buy the book is to do a Google search for The Descendant’s Notebookto find the link that shows the book’s title with Kelsay Books, the publisher. It takes you right to the book. It is $16. If you order through Amazon, you pay $18.50.

Jeffrey Harrison’s sixth book of poetry, Between Lakes, was published by Four Way Books in September 2020. His previous books include Into Daylight, (Tupelo Press, 2014) winner the Dorset Prize, Incomplete Knowledge (Four Way, 2006), runner-up for the Poets’ Prize, Feeding the Fire, which won the Sheila Motton Award from the New England Poetry Club in 2002, and The Singing Underneath, selected by James Merrill for the National Poetry Series in 1987. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the NEA, and his poems have appeared widely in magazines and anthologies, including Best American Poetry andthe Pushcart Prizevolumes, and been featured in American Life in PoetryThe Writer’s AlmanacPoetry Daily, and other online and media venues. More information can be found at

Purchasing information: Here’s the link to the book’s web page at the publisher’s site, where it can be purchased:

Ed Meek writes poetry, fiction, articles and book reviews. He has had poems in The American Journal of Poetry, The Baltimore Review, The Sun, The Paris Review. He has had poems featured on NPR affiliates WBUR and WCAI. A collection of his short stories, Luck, came out in 2017. He has had stories in The North American Review, Hobart, Cream City Review, Adelaide. He has had articles in The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, Cognoscenti, The Boston Review, Counterpunch. He writes book reviews for The Arts Fuse. His poem “In the Provinces” won an Honorable Mention in the National category of this year’s Outermost Poetry Contest. “It’s Not Always Easy” was just selected for the Boston Mayor’s Poetry Program and will be exhibited for the next year in City Hall. He is a volunteer Editor for Full House magazine. He tutors adults for the GED and teaches creative writing. His new book of poems, High Tide, came out last summer.  @emeek

Purchasing information: