A Letter of Gratitude
Dear NEPC Board and Members,
John Keats said, “O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts!” O the sensations of serving on the New England Poetry Club board these past years!
My heart has skipped beats sitting under the linden trees during summer at the Longfellow House listening to poems whispered, chanted, sung and shouted. My heart has swelled, too—recently a member couldn’t finish reading his poem through tears and asked me to finish reading his beautiful words. Working with the NEPC board members—Mary, Hilary, Wendy, Linda, Jennifer and Ralph—my heart has expanded and burst, expanded and burst, as we delighted in making the club one cool place to celebrate poetry.
I’ve laughed and had my sore heart taken care of more than once by my dear co-chair, Wendy. We’ve all had a lot of tea to drink and a lot of dark chocolate-covered almonds. Most importantly, I’ve fallen deeply in love with getting poetry out into the world through the profoundly committed efforts of the club and its members.
Now for the thoughts! I can no longer give the time to the NEPC board that is needed for this position. I plan to help out in a more general capacity. I’ve been thinking about my twins going to college (fingers and toes crossed!) next year and then my younger daughter close behind. I recently began to teach poetry in our community and would like to continue this more. I also work as a clinical social worker and have enjoyed returning to my vocation as a clinician. I have more pies to make and more poems to write.
None of this is too exciting but of course it’s about what we find meaningful in the everyday and this is my everyday. I have mixed emotions about leaving the board and my thoughts turn toward other responsibilities and other joys that need tending.
I feel such gratitude toward the NEPC board with whom I have worked to make Amy Lowell proud. Thank you. Thank you to all the NEPC members, too, who keep the poems and poetry energy coming, giving us all a life of Sensation!
With love,
Marjorie Thomsen