Mary Beth Hines, “Waking Uncle Edward”

E.E. Cummings Prize Honorable Mention, selected by Marcia Karp

Mary Beth Hines is the author of Winter at a Summer House (Kelsay Books, 2021). Her work appears widely in literary magazines, including, most recently, Lily Poetry Review, Naugatuck River Review, Nixes Mate Review, The Inflectionist Review, Tar River Poetry, and Valparaiso. A Pushcart nominee in both poetry and fiction, she was a finalist in Fool for Poetry’s 2023 International Chapbook Competition, and Comstock Review’s 2023 Jessie Bryce Niles Contest. As a member of the Boiler House Poets Collective, she participates in an annual Assets for Artists workshop residency at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA). Visit her at

Waking Uncle Edward

All the living and the dead wheeling 
through these lily-perfumed rooms, 
plush carpets muffling a century 

of psalm, bellow, accumulating
losses—grandmothers, mothers
lip-sticked and serene, childhood 

rosary beads looped through still fingers—
and now, this meticulously coiffed old 
man settled into bed with his purple heart, 

cassock and surplice, photos of beloved
cats and dogs, palms pressed in prayer
for us conflicted deniers kneeling 

in memory, paying our respects
with see-sawing benedictions
rest in peace   wake up, get up.