Join the New England Poetry Club on April 11, 2021, 3 pm.for New Poetry & Open Mic with Kelly DuMar, Ruth Smullin, and Ann Taylor who will read from their new books of poetry. (Bios and book purchasing information below.)
This event is free and open to the public. Members will receive the zoom link information in a newsletter; please email info@nepoetryclub.org if you are not a member. Sign-up for the open mic in the chat box before the reading begins.
Kelly DuMar is a poet, playwright and workshop facilitator who is the author of three poetry collections, girl in tree bark, All These Cures, and Tree of the Apple. Her plays are published by dramatic publishers, and her poems, prose and photos are published in many literary journals including Bellevue Literary Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Crab Fat, Storm Cellar, Corium & Tiferet. Kelly serves on the Board of the International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG), and produces the Bi-Monthly Open Mic Writer Series attended by women worldwide. Kelly founded and leads the Farm Pond Writer’s Collective, now in its fifth year, and facilitates a variety of creative writing workshops in person and online. She blogs her daily nature photos & creative writing at kellydumar.com/blog
Purchasing information: girl in tree bark
Ruth Smullin grew up in inner city and suburban Boston where she currently lives. Her work has been published in Atlanta Review, Common Ground Review, Constellations, Crucible (winner of the Sam Ragan Prize), Ibbetson Street, Naugatuck River Review, Plainsongs, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, The Aurorean, and is forthcoming from Main St. Rag. Her chapbook, The Open Door, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020.
Purchasing information: If you wish to purchase The Open Door, please email Ruth Smullin at rasmullin@verizon.net.The cost is $10, which includes shipping to any address in the USA.
Ann Taylor is a Professor of English at Salem State University in Salem, Mass. where she teaches both literature and writing courses. She has written two books on college composition, academic and free-lance essays, and a collection of personal essays, Watching Birds: Reflections on the Wing (Ragged Mountain/McGraw Hill). Her first poetry book, The River Within, won first prize in the 2011 Cathlamet Poetry competition at Ravenna Press. A chapbook, Bound Each to Each was published in 2013. Her most recent collection, published in 2018, Héloïse and Abélard: the Exquisite Truth, is based on the twelfth-century story of their lives.
Purchasing information: www.dosmadres.com