Watch the YouTube video of this year’s Contest Reading, on October 6, 2024.
Samuel Washington Allen Prize, selected by Enzo Silon Surin
“my own animal” by Jennifer Garfield
Honorable mentions:
“Manchester” by Ivy Schweitzer
“Phantasia on Dvořák’s Poetic Tone Pictures, Op. 85” by Carolyn Oliver
Amy Lowell Prize, selected by Sarah Audsley
Honorable mentions:
“Gossip and Metaphysics” by Wendy Drexler
“A Matter of Physics” by Laura Rodley
“Dying Laughing” by Quintin Collins
E.E. Cummings Prize, selected by Marcia Karp
“(from captivity) When living children” by Owen Lewis
Honorable mentions:
“Chattanooga Choo Choo” by Susan Donnelly
“Waking Uncle Edward” by Mary Beth Hines
Diana Der-Hovanessian Prize, selected by George Kalogeris
“The Girl Grown Up” by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated from the German by Donald Mace Williams
Jean Pedrick Chapbook Prize, selected by Jennifer Jean
We All Might Be by Naomi Mulvihill
Honorable mention:
Sheila Margaret Motton Book Prize, selected by the NEPC Board
Auguries & Divinations by Heather Treseler
Honorable mentions:
The Sorrow Apartments by Andrea Cohen
Dot Girl by Linda Carney-Goodrich
Permit Me to Write My Own Ending by Rebecca Faulkner
Dear Yiddish by Richard Fein
The Third Renunciation by Matthew E. Henry
Lost in Living by Halyna Kruk, translated by Dzvinia Orlowsky and Ali Kinsella
Marble Dust by Gary Metras
Museum of Objects Burned by the Souls in Purgatory by Jeffrey Thomson