See the inimitable Regie Gibson, NEPC advisory member, March 25, 7:30 pm!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'AJew-Ttalirish-Hatian-ominican Africa-masian-Mexdco-pean what am And I'm knit fit 1ke patchwork quilt trom my sweat this here country's built But keep it simple, Stupid- -call me American. well, you can just call me Amer can Just call me Amer (Though sometimes ain't quite sure just what that means...) But from sea to shining sea there are over 300 million ME'S: Red white & blue every in between. Letter and Spirit: Here, Among the Americans... Regie Gibson, literary performer Premieres: March 25, 2021 at 7:30pm EDT followed by live talk-back online event Streams: March 25-28, 2021 BROADBANDCOLLAB.COM'

An extra-terrestrial visits earth and assumes human appearance. He is “curiously drawn to the Americans” yet, is unable to penetrate the essence of who they are. He finds that American literature helps him better understand them. Weaving together, music, visual imagery, story, and song, Here, Among the Americans… is a spoken word journalistic exploration into the modern poetic voice of this country—a voice, at this time in our history, needs so much to listen to. 

Works by Robert Hayden, Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, Emma Lazarus, Kent Forman, & Regie Gibson. Music by Guy Mendilow and Mazz Swift

With some segments filmed on site at Porter Square BooksRegie O’Hare Gibson Regie Gibson ProjectGuy Mendilow Ensemble Sarah De Besche