Introducing POET IN THE HOUSE!

As the cold and darkness of winter approaches, many of us will be spending more time in our homes. As our Advisory Member Regie Gibson observed, “NEPC members have a wealth of knowledge about all things related to poetry. Why not tap that wealth and share it?”

We are moving forward with his vision and are offering a space for our members to educate and enrich the intellectual and artistic life of our NEPC community. This new series of events for our membership only is called Poet in the House! It will be an occasional event with our members as teachers and learners. 

We would like you to consider offering a presentation, workshop, interview, or panel discussion on any poetry-related topic. What is your deep interest? What theme, process, form, language, poet, history have you delved into? What is your unique expertise? What do you want to learn more about and share with fellow members?

We encourage presenters to include slides, sound and video elements, writing exercises, etc. to make these sessions engaging and interactive.

If you would like offer a session, please send a brief description of the topic(50-100 words), a bio, and a preferred date and time (plus one backup in case there’s overlap) to

We will provide the Zoom link and publicize the event and support you in whatever way you need. 

Regie Gibson has generously offered to kick off the series with the first offering on Saturday, November 21, 3 pm. 

23 and the Strangeness of Me: A Chromopoem

In this presentation and writing workshop, Regie Gibson will lead us on an original exploration into the “genetics” of what makes each of us unique or “strange” as poets and poetry lovers (those who have no choice but to observe the absurd in us and listen). Be prepared to write, be challenged, and discover!
(An earlier version of this was presented at the New Hampshire Poetry Festival.)