NEPC member Kate Chadbourne is hosting a free, open-to-all Poetry Celebration

NEPC member Kate Chadbourne is hosting a free, open-to-all Poetry Celebration this month on YouTube with weekly videos, prizes for participation, and tons of great community spirit and inspiration. The latest video features two brand new poems by wonderful Maine poet, Wes McNair.

In case you’d like to take a peek or join in, here are the video links so far:Week Three (19 April): This one features community poems and an actual SCOOP: a pair of poems from Wes McNair one year before they are published in his newest book.

Week Two (12 April): This one has poems from our community and poems from a wonderful book of poem-pairings, Conversation Pieces.

Week One (5 April): This one features a few early poems from our community and a pairing of Joy Harjo and Emily Dickinson.
